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2003-03-07 - 8:45 p.m.

I'm so tired I feel like my eyes are bleeding. I'm feeling a bit sick too. A frog in my throat. Yuck. Coughing up yellow shit and it's making my cartoon voice sound even worse than normal. I ditched plans with Mark to go see Snapcase tonight. I'm running low on scratch these days even though he offered to pay for me I just want to be at home by myself and have a lush bath. I feel bad for people that actually pay for that stuff. I'm really spoiled to be able to have one everynight. I'm dipping into my overdraft to go out tomorrow night. He understood. He's sweet and didn't feel like going out either. I kinda just wanted to be alone actually. Alone until I made a great dinner and again as usual wasn't even hungry and hardly ate anything. No wonder I'm sick. I wish there was someone here to eat it.

I'll hang out with Mark and Joel who i haven't seen since the summer tomorrow. We're gonna watch the punk show because the spitfires and mary-anne are gonna be on it. Rad. I worked to the bone today. Didn't realise until 2pm that I hadn't eaten lunch and I wasn't hungry enough to eat much either. Jay C emailed me today to to tell me he watched the new warped tour dvd and there was (in his words) a very flattering close up of me on stage during gob's vancouver set. I laughed out loud. I was so drunk that whole day I hardly remember it. I don't even remember the ride there due to all the beer for breakfast. What a day. I drank fireball whisky all day instead of water. Out of control. I do remember Alkaline trio to a T. It was amazing. Just as the sun was setting. I felt like crying during Bleeder. "The one thing that I never said is that I'm truly happy in my heart and in my head". I am. I truly truly am and I hope you are too.

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