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2003-06-26 - 9:37 p.m.

Stayed up way to late last night and the night before. DEaling with a neighbour puking in my staircase and having it still there when i woke up. To make a long story short I'm moving out of this place. Creepy old zombie man, going through my garbage. Watching eyes on me everytime I leave my door. Crack heads left and right. Old man clearing hsi throat every fucking night at 4am while smoking through the hole in his neck. I am lonley living alone at times. This place is depressing and I feel like I'm paying too much for such a sad sad place. A place Id never ever have my mom over too. She'd freak. I am moving in with good girls. I'm very very excited. Left work to go see DAvid lee Roth. Got super high and drank lots of sake while waiting inline because it looks like a bottle of water. Made fools of our selves. Screamed. Got scared of haggard old man Roth. I could feel him lokking at us through his sunglasses. He scared me. We didn't win any prizes. One of the funniest days I've ever had. My eyes are dry from crying from laughter. I have good friends who do retarded things with me. I am drunk and must have a bath from wearing my flip flops all over the city. My feet are fucking filthy. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

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